History and Values

Our Mission

A mission describes the overarching purpose of an organisation, while a vision offers a preferred future and guiding image of success. At Living Faith Lutheran Primary School we combine our mission and vision.

Our Values

Values are at the heart of any community and Living Faith intentionally embeds the following values in the everyday life of the school: compassion, doing your best, forgiveness, respect, responsibility, and teamwork.

Our History

Lutheran schools have been part of the education scene in Australia since 1839 when early German settlers saw the value of home and school working as partners in their children’s education. Turbulent times during the wars closed many schools, but with a resurgence in growth there are now over 135 schools and early childhood centres across all states of Australia, educating more than 44,000 children and young people.

The curriculum of a Lutheran school matches all state and Australian Government requirements, with Christian Studies added as a Key Learning Area and worship a regular part of school life.

Living Faith opened its doors to 66 students in 2001 and expanded to 550 in 2022. Before this, many hours of work had gone into planning by members of the Lutheran congregations at Petrie and Sandgate. Both congregations sold their properties to purchase eight hectares of land at Murrumba Downs with the express purpose of establishing a Lutheran school.

In 2015 the first of a series of contemporary classrooms was constructed, drawing attention from global education communities, the architecture industry, and mainstream media. The spaces include a Plaza, Sanctuary, and Habitat, and reflect the school’s pedagogy, which is founded on educational neuroscience and child psychology. The diversity of play spaces also supports the school’s educational philosophy and includes an Adventure Playground, Outback Kitchen, Nature Play Space, and Loose Parts Play. Additional spaces including a Sports Centre, Performing Arts rooms, and Art Studio support specialist subject areas.

Today we have a modern and spacious complex with the School, Kindergarten, Outside School Hours Care, Playgroup, and Church sharing the site. 

In 2025 we are proud to be celebrating 25 years in the community.

living faith 25 years