A leader in teaching and learning, a school for the future
We are an independent primary school located north of Brisbane, a Lutheran primary school for students from Prep to Year 6. Sharing a site with Living Faith Lutheran Church and the Living Faith Kindergarten, we are the optimal size for students to have access to a wide range of excellent facilities and quality teachers.

Education is Changing
Times are changing rapidly, so education must change with it to prepare children for the future. Living Faith Lutheran Primary School strives to keep up with the latest research in child psychology and educational neuroscience to continue to improve its curriculum and classrooms.

More than Education
We are not just a school for Mathematics and Science, we also care about the development of the whole child. With children spending the majority of their young lives at school, it is important that their emotional intelligence, resilience, and collaboration skills are developed as well.

Student Wellbeing
Living Faith knows that children are best able to learn if their social, emotional, and spiritual needs are met. We believe that the student wellbeing of our students is crucial in their development as learners. Class teachers play an integral role in the support of students as they are the first responders when students or parents/carers seek support.