Why We Host Exhibition Evenings

Learning Landscape Friday, 10 May 2024

What is Exhibition Evening?

Exhibition Evening is a community showcase focusing on displaying students' project-based learning (PBL) journey. Students have attempted to solve real-world problems by researching, prototyping, experimenting, designing, culminating in the creation of a product. These products will be on display on the night.

Our students feel pride and accomplishment knowing they will share their work and learning with authentic audiences beyond the classroom. Exhibition Evening forms yet another opportunity for students to connect with and see the value of what they are learning. Opportunities to display and share their work are an essential part of the process and forms an integral part of the culture and community of Living Faith.

Why We Host Exhibition Evenings

At Living Faith Lutheran Primary School, we are committed to nurturing a community of lifelong learners through authentic learning experiences.

Students engage with Project-Based Learning (PBL), which inspires learners to investigate or solve a problem or question. With their teachers as design coaches, our students create prototypes, products and artefacts that demonstrate their learning in ways that are meaningful and engaging to them.

Presenting their journey to authentic audiences enables students to:

  • Reflect on and talk about their learning journey
  • Engage in real-life projects that matter not only to them - but to the community. Making their learning ‘real’ makes it important.
  • Celebrate their progress with people they care about. 
  • Develop and demonstrate the 21st-century skills that will serve them for life.

How You Can Participate

  • Collect a PBL Postcard, which provides a brief overview of each project and some suggested questions to help visitors participate. 
  • Explore and visit as many year levels as possible. It is an important part of the Living Faith culture to encourage and support the learning of all children as a community. 
  • As you speak to our students, we encourage you to engage with them about their projects. 
  • Visit our Sports Centre to view our Art & Design, Languages and Kindy work on display. 
  • Relax and enjoy dinner from a selection of food trucks.