The Living Faith Way
In the last edition of Faith Matters, we took a closer look at some of the practices and concepts ingrained within Living Faith, all of which aim to promote rich and engaging learning experiences for our students. We focused on Growth Mindset, PBL and Exhibition Evenings, Contemporary Competencies and Service Learning. In this edition, we will unpack the remaining concepts!

What are our concepts and what do they mean?
Agile Learning Spaces:
Our agile learning spaces are intentionally designed spaces that are adjustable, moveable and flexible. Some of our agile furniture consists of writable surface tables, community booths, stadiums, stand up tables, wobble stools and lecture stools. These options support the development of contemporary competencies (eg adaptability, collaboration, creativity and innovation) while providing students with comfort and increased choice over their learning, resulting in deeper engagement levels and personalised experiences.
Pastoral Care and Embedded Values:
Pastoral care at Living Faith focuses on developing the whole child. We recognise that children are able to learn best if their physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs are met. Students engage in regular devotions and explicit, fun pastoral care lessons that cover Play is the Way concepts. The school values are referred to in all that we do, and restorative practices are at the heart to repair any relationships that may break down along the way. At Living Faith your child is not alone, with teachers, student coaches, directors, student diversity mentors, the principal and chaplain all being a part of their learning journey.
Play-Based Learning:
The National Institute for Play states, “At any age, play acts to retain and enhance meaningful context, and optimises the learning process”. At Living Faith our model involves students engaging in play investigations using provocations. They then share their learnings with the class through meaningful discussions before engaging in explicit teaching and hands-on activities. Play-Based Learning stimulates a child’s motivation to explore new things, ultimately resulting in the discovery of new interests, abilities and knowledge.
Collaborative Classrooms:
Collaborative teaching and learning is a core component of Living Faith, with collaboration also being one of our contemporary competencies. All classrooms are designed to be open and collaborative, functioning as one big cohort instead of individual Hope, Joy and Peace classes. This supports students by giving them choice and control over how they want to learn, therefore catering to more individual needs and interests. It also encourages students to learn to work with a variety of students and teachers, supporting the development of communication skills, social skills and connection with others.
Digital Technologies:
Living Faith acknowledges that we live in a world of rapidly evolving technologies. We also understand the importance of teaching children to use technology in a healthy way to ensure they develop skills and habits that will support them as digital citizens. At Living Faith, technology is embedded within subjects and does not replace hands-on, physical, play-based learning. Instead, it provides students with an exciting tool for learning and presentation in a way that is meaningful to them.
- Tess Grogan, Acting Director of Learning