The Benefits for Students who Participate in Outdoor Education and Nature Play

Principals Pen Friday, 06 Sept 2024

This week I had the privilege of being a staff member attending the Year 3 Camp at Mapleton. The students have participated in a range of outdoor education activities such as archery, bush tucker, canoeing, flying fox, swimming and we even enjoyed an outdoor cinema experience.

Living Faith is committed to educating the whole child and to giving our students a broad range of outdoor education experiences through our Years 2 to 6 Camp Program. Our staff who attend our camps show a great commitment to serving our students during camps and they do so knowing the many benefits that attending camps brings.

Benefits for Students Attending Camps

Some of the benefits of attending camps which focus on the outdoors include:

● Building resilience
● Developing and strengthening friendships
● Fostering teamwork and socialising skills
● Growing leadership skills
● Increasing confidence
● Increased environmental awareness
● The learning of new skills

Nature Play at Living Faith

have had the pleasure of showing a variety of people our grounds and facilities over the past few weeks. Visitors are always very impressed with our rich, diverse and beautiful nature play spaces and adventure playground. For our students, there is much to benefit from being engaged with the outdoors daily. Some of the benefits for students engaging with nature play include:

● Improves student motivation and concentration
● Encourages role play and creativity 

● Improves gross and fine motor skills
● Enhances cooperation and negotiation skills
● Improves balance and coordination
● Encourages problem solving

Our students at Living Faith are blessed by the many and varied outdoor education and nature play activities.

Andrew Kelly