Term 3 Living Faith Values in the Spotlight: Compassion and Teamwork

Principals Pen Thursday, 11 July 2024

This term the school will shine the light of our values of Compassion and Teamwork.


Compassion is the heartfelt ability to empathise with others, accompanied by a desire to alleviate their suffering or difficulties. It involves demonstrating kindness, understanding and support towards those in need, reflecting a genuine concern for their wellbeing.

Three Ways Students Can Display Compassion at Living Faith

  • Supporting Peers: Offer assistance to classmates who are struggling academically or emotionally. This could involve helping with schoolwork, listening attentively or offering words of encouragement.
  • Inclusive Behaviour: Ensure all students feel welcomed and valued. Include everyone in group activities, lunchtime conversations and extracurricular events, fostering a sense of belonging and community. 
  • Acts of Service: Engage in acts of service within the school and local community. This could include volunteering for school events, participating in charity drives or organising initiatives to help those less fortunate.


Teamwork is the collaborative effort of individuals working together towards a common goal or objective. It involves effective communication, cooperation and mutual respect among team members to achieve shared success.

Three Ways Students Can Display Teamwork in a School Setting

  • Collaborate on Projects: Collaborate effectively with peers on group assignments or PBL. This includes dividing tasks equitably, communicating openly and respecting each other's contributions. 
  • Sports and Activities: Participate actively in team sports, clubs or extracurricular activities. Show commitment, support teammates and celebrate collective achievements. 
  • Display Leadership: Contribute ideas, listen to others' perspectives and work towards consensus on decisions that benefit the school community. Demonstrate initiative and encourage classmates to participate.

By embodying compassion and teamwork, our students not only contribute positively to our school environment but also develop essential life skills that prepare them for future challenges and opportunities. 

On behalf of the staff at Living Faith, I thank our parent community for supporting and encouraging our School Values with your children. Your partnership is greatly appreciated.


Andrew Kelly
