Student Speak - Year 4

Learning Landscape Thursday, 02 May 2024

The Year 4’s have had an exciting start to Term 2, engaging in the Reverse Garbage incursion. As part of their PBL unit, they have been learning about sustainability and how they can reduce, reuse and recycle! The Year 4 students embraced their inner creativity to produce mini 3D prototypes from waste items. Let’s take a look at what they created, enjoyed and learnt from this experience.

I liked finding new parts for my robot that I didn’t know existed and having a play around with them to reuse them.

I liked creating and making new things. I’ve learnt that you don’t always have to throw stuff in the bin and you can reuse it.

I have been making a robot out of rubbish so it doesn’t have to go to landfill because we are reusing it. That means less animals die.

I have learnt that you can recycle rubbish into things you like. I have used rubbish to make a dog and now we can have it as our class pet.

We have been making robots for our incursion out of waste products that were going to go to landfill if we didn’t reuse them. So now they won’t take up space in landfill and we can reuse it instead.

Our robots' names are Alexis and Willow. We have learnt that you can create anything out of rubbish even when people think you can’t. It’s good to not throw it away otherwise it would fill up landfill and there would be no space for people or animals to live.

This is ‘happy robot’ and he has different modes inside. The black is sleep mode, orange is charge mode, green is happy mode and dark green is nice mode. I’ve learnt that you can always reuse things to make something that you like and this robot can also help you when you are upset.

Theresa Grogan
Director of Learning