Fees and Inclusions

At Living Faith Lutheran Primary School, we strive to make fees as simple and transparent as possible. The following information gives a basic overview of yearly fees. Complete details of all fees, charges, and discounts can be found in the current Schedule of Fees.

Yearly fees for a single child are between $6,250 - $7,200 (depending on their year level). This includes all costs (except uniforms and optional activities). Yearly fees are broken down into three components: Tuition Fee, Capital Levy, and Resource & Activity Levy detailed below. Fees can be paid upfront (a 5% discount is applied to the Tuition Fee), quarterly, monthly, fortnightly, or weekly and can be paid by BPay, credit/debit card, direct debit, recurring debits, EFTPOS, cash or cheque.

Number of Children Yearly Fee
One Child
Two children
$10,500 (12.5% discount for the second child)
Three or more children
$14,400 (30% discount for the third child, 100% discount for the fourth child)

Compulsory Capital Levy

This is $250 per family, per year.

Resource and Activity Levy

This levy covers all anticipated expenses (except uniforms). It includes items such as all stationery and books, an iPad for each child and all camps and excursions. It varies by year level.

Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Additional discounts may apply such as if an older sibling attends Grace Lutheran College.

For further information, please refer to the complete Schedule of Fees Policy.