The Agile Classroom
Once upon a time, students sat at wooden desks in rows facing the teacher, but...
Project-Based Learning
When you ask students what their favourite subject at school is, the vast majority will...
Meet Generation Alpha
For as long as I can remember, when we socialise with different groups of people...
Student Reports
Student report cards will be available to families from Years 1 to 6 via Parent Lounge,...
Abundant Living
Where doubt exists, faith does not. And without faith, the abundant blessings of God become...
Exhibition Evening
Our Semester 1 Exhibition Evening will be held on Wednesday, 16 June. There is much...
Curiosity Engages, Ramps Up and...
I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein What is curiosity? The...
Success Criteria and Assessment
I remember dreading assessment at school, mostly because I worried if I had stored enough...
7 Incredible Benefits of Gratitude
It’s not happy people who are grateful; it’s grateful people who are happy. Unknown Gratitude is...