Fostering Emotional Fortitude in Children
In our Western society, we can be quick to protect our children from struggles. It’s...
The Value of Daydreaming
Daydreaming is how we access our big-picture state of mind. - Amy Fries Studies show that...
Project based approach to languages
Nǐ hǎo! You have probably seen the beautiful lanterns, calligraphy or artworks come home over...
Why don’t we use worksheets...
Worksheets are the age-old staple of schools. They are quick and easy for teachers to...
Soft Skills for Success
What are the essential skills students must develop, in order to succeed in later life?...
Pandemic Priorities
In the third year of the pandemic, what needs to be prioritised at school? Parents,...
How do we embed Digital...
It is essential to educate our kids about Digital Technology in the digital era in...
What have our teachers been...
With the delay of the school year, teachers have been hard at work both engaging...