Learning Spaces
Living Faith has long been a leader in contemporary education, transforming from a traditional, industrial educational model to a teaching model that is student-focused on creativity and preparing students for their future. Agile learning spaces help us to close the gap between how schools operate and what we know about how children learn.
After years of experience in agile spaces, teachers report that students are more interested and engaged with the content and enjoy spending time in their classes.
Our learning spaces are modelled to prepare students for future work environments and the unpredictability that comes with them. The learning spaces are created to allow more collaboration, to assist students in taking more responsibility for their learning, and for students to engage deeper in their learning.
Living Faith is renowned in the educational and architectural industries for its forward-thinking learning environments that support a contemporary approach to teaching and learning.
For example, the Year 6 classroom - named the Learning Plaza - looks more like an airport lounge than a traditional classroom. Students are invited to undertake activities in the stadium, at community booths, at genius bars, or in the quiet of the fishbowl according to the requirement of each task. Students are empowered to make responsible decisions about their learning to maximise their potential.
Our Year 5 Learning Hub and Year 4 Learning Portal offer age-appropriate opportunities for students to engage independently and collaboratively, incorporating technology and writeable surfaces.
The Treehouse encompasses our Year 2 and Year 3 classrooms, which share a beautiful outdoor deck overlooking a treeline. These newly-designed spaces incorporate the latest research to provide a calm and inviting space that fosters independence, interdependence, and healthy risk-taking. With more options for contemporary teaching and learning, the Treehouse is a beautiful learning environment.
The Cubby encompasses our Prep and Year 1 classrooms. Our Prep Learning Nest and Year 1 Learning Hive were completed in 2023 and provide a wonderful start to the learning journey of our youngest students.

Featured across all classrooms from Prep to Year 6, agile furniture plays a big part in our learning culture. It is a teacher in itself. Agile furniture gives students the ability to choose how they learn best and then make decisions about where they learn. Students learn to be accountable for their own learning and relish in the responsibility that they now maintain.

Our Adventure Playground stands tall and proud in the centre of the school. Specifically designed to be a challenge for the students, it is one of the most popular spaces in our school. With a large variety of obstacles, swings, and climbable surfaces, the Adventure Playground is never empty.

Living Faith is blessed with abundant outdoor play areas. These include playgrounds, handball courts, a small oval, a large oval with a 300 metre running track, tennis courts, and cricket nets which are designed to also accommodate long jump.
Living Faith also benefits from a Nature Play space. This is a relatively undeveloped and open space where students are invited to play with natural implements (eg sticks) in an appropriately supervised manner. Students take the opportunity to build, role play, and problem solve in this unique school environment.
Our Loose Parts play consists of timber, bricks, tyres, buckets, crates, and pipes which serve to promote creativity, problem-solving, communication, perseverance, and open-mindedness.
Meanwhile, our Outdoor Chapel features foliage and screens, giving students the opportunity for spiritual reflection and quiet retreat.

Our Library provides a comfortable and flexible learning environment for use by all students, including regular visits from the Kindergarten. A passion and love for reading are fostered through the provision of modern and classic reading material while state-of-the-art technology creates opportunities to equip students as they grow in digital citizenship.
A high-quality Sports Centre, which has the flexibility to be transformed into an auditorium, exists to complement the school’s Health and Physical Education program while offering an outstanding sporting facility to the local community after hours. Through clever design, a series of performing arts rooms have been constructed beneath the Sports Centre and serve to fully support the school’s academic and extra-curricular music programs.